Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Behind The Walls

       Four feet by what seemed miles and miles of empty space... Wow. I’d already ran to each end and inspected them both throughly. Solid. Each end took days to reach, and somehow that wretched girl always reached the end before I could. She was always standing there laughing at me. I assume she was on the outside. She couldn’t talk to me. Or maybe she tried, and I couldn’t hear her. Maybe it’s better I couldn’t.

I’ll never know how I ended up in this place. I wasn’t even sure if it was possible to get out... or if I even wanted to get out. It’s safe in here.

Yet again, I found myself hopelessly walking to an end on the space. The days I spent walking were strange. I could see things going on in the world. Some days what I saw was beautiful, others it was vile and obscene. On a beautiful day, I could see a happy young woman having her morning tea with who appeared to be her love. The looked so like they’d be such different people from each other, yet they looked so happy together. They were in perfect harmony. I was happy to see that. I loved her.

Some times on beautiful days, there’s the moon. During the day, yes. The moon is purple. She kisses the sun and he smiles brightly, changing from a smoldering grey to a passionate red. The two lovers dance in the sky together as the stars sing a beautiful serenade I’ll never be able to explain. I love you hum along as I walk along.

However, on vulgar days, I see a girl crying. She’s got her knees against her chest. She’s biting her own arm, trying not to scream. I can’t imagine feeling so desperate. Or maybe I can.

   On obscene days, I see this foul creature run along the outside of the space matching my speed. This creature looks nearly completely white. It looks as if it was ripped its own eyes out. Blood stained its finger tips. It had gnarled teeth that looked as if they could rip the skin off your bones. This creature disturbed me.

    Finally, I reached the end. She was there again. But this time was different. I walked right up to her and pressed my face against the wall. It felt cold like glass. “Go away.” I growled. “You’re blocking my exit.” She didn’t budge. In fact, she began sipping tea. “You’re in my way!” I started screaming. She was the moon. The sun wasn’t here. She didn’t dance. “I want out!” I screeched. She began to cry. “I won’t let you hold me here anymore! I won’t be bound by you anymore!” I riled back and tried to hurt her. I hit the glass. Enraged, I slammed my fist against the wall, it rang out. I trashed it again and again and again and screamed as loud as I could. I had stopped hitting the glass, but I continued to scream. My lungs felt as if they were going to burst but then -clink. That tiny sound halted me. I looked at the glass. The girl stood there looking back at me. A small crack appeared, just over her face. I reached out and placed my hand it. She put hers against mine. Smash! Her hand busted through! It was white; her finger tips stained blood red. The monstrous hand grasped mine. I felt the cold hand exerting a pressure I thought would surely crush mine. I pushed back with all my might. I pushed and pushed, gripping the wall beside me to hold myself steady. I nearly lost my footing when the girl let out an awful shriek and arm flew through the wall. The force from my body shattered the glass.


  1. I love it sierra! You can always come up with the best ideas (:

  2. didn't get it until you explained it too me :) good job! lol

  3. Sierra, you're gonna have to explain this to me. haha.

  4. First of all, I love the imagery in this story! It is great..and I can really feel frustration that the speaker must feel.

    But I am kind of confused too! I read it about four times and I still can't put my finger on who is speaking and where he/she/it is trapped...I went through everything from an asylum to a tv to a bug in a cage. So I'm not sure. I 'll read it again tomorrow and see if I get it. Or maybe I'm not supposed to know?

  5. It was really supposed to be an open interpretation as to where she was stuck. I thought about a cell or box and there's mirrors for walls andd everything she sees is a reflection of what she thinks of herself. Somedays she sees good in herself and others she sees bad. At the end she sees the monster which is the cumilation of everything she doesn't like about herself. She gets mad and tries to hit the monster, but she just breaks through the mirror and sees that it was just herself the whole time.
