Friday, December 3, 2010

I Love My Two Darlings

Things That Never Change

  1. My height
  2. My awkwardness
  3. Feeling like no one really understands
  4. Feeling  like I’m different
  5. Wanting to help those two feel better when I know I can’t
  6. My love for My Chemical Romance
  7. Those nights I spent with him
  8. My weird ideas
  9. My belief in cryptids
  10. My hopes to become a novelist
  11. How perfect I feel in his arms
  12. How beautiful he makes me feel
  13. How human beings never cease to amaze me (for better or worse)
  14. My love for him
  15. My love for her

(5, 14, and 15.)

You never truly understand
Until you meet a person who
Amazes you
You’ve never met a girl like her
You’ve never met a guy like him
In many ways they are
I love them
In many ways they are different
Very different pains
I wish I could heal their wounds
Hers inflicted by Man
His inflicted by Mind
I love my two
A man
A woman
Is love so strict,
I cannot love without lust?
He has my love
She has my love
I want to marry him
I want to safeguard her
I love my two darlings


  1. This is quite an interesting poem. It sounds like the speaker is quite conflicted between these two people. At first I wasn't sure if these were "romantic" loves or what....but then I read the line about lust. I love that part "Is love so strict,/ I cannot live without lust?" I also love:

    I wish I could heal their wounds
    Hers inflicted by Man
    His inflicted by Mind

    I like how you incorporate characters into the poem with conflicts even though the major conflict is that of the speaker's.

    Nice job.

  2. Yayy Sierra :) it's awesome. It's weird because of the love you show towards the guy and the friendship you show towards the girl :)
