Monday, November 15, 2010


“I’m not psychotic. I just like psychotic things.” –Gerard Way

How macabre is my mind
Just like a grizzly nightmare
Here, sanity is hard to find

I sit alone and bide my time
I find myself just sitting there
How macabre is my mind

Sometimes I feel colorblind
Sometimes I can’t find any air
Here, sanity is hard to find

All my thoughts are intertwined
Sometimes it all too much to bear
How macabre is my mind

But I will come out redefined
As everyone likes to stare
Here, sanity is hard to find

I am a jewel, now refined
But be careful--beware
How macabre is my mind
Here, sanity is hard to find


  1. OMG I totally know the name of what type of poem that is and can't remember it :(

    Great job though!

  2. Wow. I love this poem! You managed to pull off a villanelle without it sounding too repetitive and out of place. Nice work!

    I am trying to imagine a "grizzly nightmare" ...
