Friday, November 12, 2010

When Life Sets You Free

Free is never being told you have to do your hair a certain way
Free is never being told you’re not normal
Free is being able to run wildly through the woods—going nowhere in particular
Free is your first sip of dirty creek water—the best kind
Free is being wrapped in the arms of the lover your parents hate
Free is walking barefoot through the tall grass
Free is never being told “Be home by 10!”
Free is speeding down the highway wit three friends you just made
Free is that feeling of loneliness you feel your first night alone
Free is working part-time trying to save for an apartment
Free is $40,000 a year for classes you’re now failing
Free is changing your major five times
Free is falling in love with someone ad not caring what your Mom might say
Free is being content living off of blue-box macaroni and cup ramen
Free is making decisions for yourself for once
Free is figuring out who you really are
Free is having nothing yet, but having everything now

1 comment:

  1. I love this!
    I laughed out loud at this part:

    Free is working part-time trying to save for an apartment
    Free is $40,000 a year for classes you’re now failing
    Free is changing your major five times

    I can definitely relate to that...

    Watch out on the order of your lines, though. You have some lines about love in here, but I can't quite figure out why they are in the order they are. I thought chronological at first, but then upon reading it again I didn't get that.
